65th MISS UNIVERSE – TOP 13 PICKED! | Miss Universe

65th MISS UNIVERSE – TOP 13 PICKED! | Miss Universe

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Watch as the top 13 are picked at the 65th MISS UNIVERSE!

The 70th Miss Universe is Harnaaz Sandhu from India!

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  1. Kenya and Perú were the best by far, and not just because they are stunning, they were sweet, calm, charismatics and very clever on their interviews (Not overreacted like the others) . Greetings from Chile 🙂

  2. The last batch which many women are beautiful and sexy not just smart ladies but also attractive yet Usa doesn't deserve to be into the Top 13 simply they will just placed well because of the strong sash factor and they own the MUO no matter how bullshit their delegate is other ladies much more deserved her spot though.

  3. Boa noite!
    Nesse top 13 , sem barrismo , Brasil, Panamá, e Peru , França, as outras não me diz nada, nada , pena que miss universo tem Richa com BRASIL, por isso Raissa Santana não avançou, mas foi perfeita em todos os sentidos, desfile de trage de banho sacanearam ao lado da Fortinha do Canadá, proposital……vergonha alheia ……

  4. Viendo este video en el 2022… aún no puedo superar que la peruana quedara sin clasificar al siguiente top luego de esta respuesta tan natural tan angelical y mejor que otras candidatas como Thailandia que casi no dijo nada. Cómo duele el error de no quitarse el pareo un error tan absurdo que nos quitó la posibilidad de hacer historia antes de Janick Maceta.

  5. Perú, que niña tan linda y dulce. Ella debio ser la MU, lastima que algo tan absurdo la descalificara. Es ironico, algunas son descalificadas por pequeñeses, mientras que otras ganan con respuestas no tan buenas.

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