An Overweight Dude Won A Woman's Beauty Pageant

An Overweight Dude Won A Woman's Beauty Pageant

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The woke culture is here and it’s strong. Today there is news that a man wins beauty pageant making the headlines or you may of heard man wins miss america contest, male wins miss new hampshire beauty pageant or transgender beauty pageant. This is insane. Many people have spoken about this such as people from the daily wire like ben shapiro and matt walsh with videos such as An Obese Man Won A Woman’s Beauty Pageant and An Overweight Dude Wearing a Dress Won a “Miss America” Beauty Pageant. I can’t believe a male wins miss greater derry. This whole thing surrounding gender identity and gender expression needs to stop now, go back to basics. The officer tatum also made a video titled Trans Biological Male WINS ‘MISS America’ Pageant For The FIRST TIME EVER!, its a great watch and just shows how crazy things are getting…(read more at source)

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  1. This is absolutely freaking disgusting. There’s no word for it. Oh, and by the way, if you think this is bad, you should check out the deaf, mute, trans woman from the Brazil, who sang Whitney Houston and won a singing competition. No, I’m not making this up I wish I was, but I’m not.

  2. Well as long as women allow this it will happen, women are being erased and they don't care….every single one of those women should have walked out of that pageant but they are so afraid of standing up for their rights that they are being erased

  3. Omg she does look like kin Jung um or whatever he is called hahaha, North Korean leader!, hahaha no way she can never be perfect… I don't think he can ever get even close to the beauty of all the other contestants… but hey he can talk all he wants about balls in his acceptance speech because we all know that he at least have a couple still

  4. "An overweight dude!" 😂🤣😂🤣 Love it .
    This makes no sense at all. I mean …what's next seriously?
    Oh just to say Eddie Izzard here in the UK who I love as a comedian btw.
    Is running to be the "female!!" candidate for Sheffield City.
    He puts a bra, women clothes and makeup one day, and men clothes another.
    Whenever he feel like it! ???? 🤦

  5. Not even a woman that size could have won this pageant, but apparently this man could.. and he had the balls literally to take that award from other, hard working girls

  6. The suffragettes founded the Woman’s Freedom League in 1907 to fight for equal rights for women, they almost got there, but now we have men pretending to be women taking away what should rightly be for women, in sports and other competitions. We live in a clown world.

  7. A transwoman winning is one thing….but she doesnt even look like a model, and is too preachy. She reads as a she to me, but the entitlement is masculine and gross. At least get into good shape beforehand

  8. Yes, where does it all end?
    No boundaries. Any kind of behavior is ok.
    Children and XX females are really vulnerable to this trans movement.
    P.S. That dude looks like he could help win the Super Bowl (even wearing the red dress).
    I can't even be respectful anymore.

  9. Seriously, dude, what's your problem? For one, who cares about a 'competition' based mostly on genetic luck, where women are judged on the least interesting aspect of who they are? Second, being trans doesn't erase differences between men and women – by definition being trans means that there are differences or you wouldn't be able to transition from one to the other. Trans people wouldn't feel gender dysphoria if there were no differences. Third, it costs absolutely nothing to be nice and use someone's name and preferred pronouns.

  10. Brian's "plan" failed. Brian didn't want to win the Pageant. The plan was to lose the crown, SUE the Pageant, go on every morning and late night show bashing the Pageant, go on Social Media and get the Pageant CANCELLED, and be the hero of the LGBTQ community. By allowing Brian to win the Pageant saved themselves a lot of money and problems. Brian can't do all of the above bc the Pageant will just say: You won, what's the problem? The Pageant took the venom out of the snake bite.

  11. Disgusting.. The sad thing is, feminists blame men in general (who also hate this kind of thing), for the act of a single idiot, who also turned his back on men…😝

  12. The democrates have elected a sexual deviant president, they elected a dead candidate abd now a whale won a pageant. Just wondering when sanity is going to return.

  13. Who voted this "feels over reals" mentality? Who created a society where it was hate speech to hurt someone's feelings (if they were a protected class of course)? Who pushed the idea that men and women were totally equal…all differences were socially constructed and if any differences do indeed crop up its due to bigotry and closed mindedness? Who said beauty standards were oppressive? Who did all of this to society?

    Was it men? Or was it…some other group?

  14. I never believed in beauty pageants before, much less now. This was just to make a couple of political statements. It's not about inclusivity anymore…it's about eradicating and replacing. P.S. Thanks for sharing your views…your comments are not toxic masculinity at all but a true and valid concern about the erasure of women and their feminine energy.

  15. Men are taking over what women have worked so hard to achieve. I mean these women did work their butts of to eat right, fitness training. My sister in law did this before she had kids and I know how hard she worked and along come a man,did nothing not even took care of himself at all and freken won. R you kidding me.

  16. One of these idiot girls missed out on a scholarship becuase of that man beast. I suppose it's hard to get up and fight when things like that are walking all over you, but don't just let it walk over you, at least put up a fight!

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