Dana Perino is Miss Teen USA!

Dana Perino is Miss Teen USA!

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President Bush’s Spokes-Kitten, Dana Perino, talks and talks, but never says anything..(read more at source)

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  1. @aviomasterbater Brilliant statement man…
    But wait, the UN Security Councel told Sadam to disclose disarm or face serious consequences, and he chose not to comply, maybe you should talk to them about it huh?
    "DUURRRR" – aviomasterbater

  2. docter.

    But I agree. Quite frankly I think we should privatize the police and fire departments. It's not the government's job to take care of your property if you're too lazy to fight the fire yourself or pay someone to do it. And why should you expect the government to do anything if you're too poor to afford someone to get your stolen car back? I want only the best safety, justice and health I can afford. No freebies for sickies or weaklings who get mugged.

  3. Around the world (ie. Asia) 'American' is often equated with "from the U.S. This seems to be the case in many countries and probably the result of U.S. Americans referring to themselves that way in the media. Many countries, like Canada – would never refer to themselves as 'Canada Americans' – they distinguish themselves as 'Canadians'. I believe Mexicans do the same. I don't think too many people think about the geographic notion of North America anymore – at least until the 'Amero' appears 🙂

  4. Don't people in the U.S. know that they are NOT "AMERICANS" but "AMERICAN" like ALL OF US IN THE AMERICAN CONTINENT?? Did you guys even really know where the name "America" came from? I think this is the only real thing that the babe in Miss teen US of A said right… "U.S. American", and really you would never lower your level as calling yourself a brother with a "latino" right?, Because all latino are family and American, can you be American and not Americans? 😉

  5. "Truth is treason in The Empire of Lies"
    — Ron Paul

    We've reached the point where the position of White House Press Secretary is actually that of Propaganda Whore.

    Ms. Perino sounds a lot like a soviet era propagandist, or the Iraq Information Minister declaring that, "US troops are retreating and we are close to a great victory against the invaders". It's just laughably flying in the face of reality.

    There is zero credibility, not just in Dana Perino, but in our entire government.

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