Ep. 119: Waiting In Vain???

Ep. 119: Waiting In Vain???

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Random Thought… Would you date a 40 year old virgin? Lolo Jones says dating got tougher once she made it public that she was waiting till marriage. The Tyre Nichols body cam and video footage is released. Customers are saying that tipping is getting out of control and a Black woman could get her gas, but she got $1 million!!!!

00:00 Intro
01:03 Would You Date A 40 Year Old Virgin
13:32 Tyre Nichols video released
24:09 Is Tipping Getting Out Of Hand?
28:37 Black Woman Awarded $1 Million In Racism Suit

Ever been somewhere and overheard two guys having a crazy conversation over random topics? Well we are those guys and we have been having these conversations since college. Do we agree on everything? Hell no, but we have fun anyway. We talk about sports, politics, pop culture, and other bs. Pour yourself a drink and listen in.

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#dating #lolojones #tyrenichols..(read more at source)

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  1. My second son was taking the “true love waits” pledge at youth group. He turned to me and said that since I was now divorced I could make the pledge with him. 🤦🏽‍♀️. What was I to do? I did! I took the pledge and have kept it . Of course it meant that wearing the ring was a sign that scared some idiot men away – thankfully. Frankly, it was the best thing I ever did. I am happy and still single. No complaints.

  2. Lolo is 40!!! She is out of her sexual market peak. And she can have her standards but the REALITY of it is….she is expecting a guy of a certain caliber to wait and abide by her wishes. It's delusional. Yall guys are throwing soft balls. If a man is 6ft attractive and has a little money and status (if status) why would he choose Lolo Jones? Sex is important in a relationship and YES if i am making a 1 million dollar purchase I will most def test out the vehicle FIRST before buying.

  3. Love these random conversations! Lolo froze her eggs and still holding out. I recently met someone and she told me her mom was 70 and just got married! 😂 So, keep hope alive Lolo! 😂

  4. After watching her on Celebrity Big Brother, Lolo seemed emotionally immature. I think she uses christianity as an excuse because, she's…Como se dice…uhhhh GAY…She gives that strong energy off. IJS.

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