First Hijabi woman to compete in Miss World Pageant

First Hijabi woman to compete in Miss World Pageant

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York University student, Khadija Omar, is said to be the first Hijabi contestant at the 70th Miss World Pageant. City’s Faiza Amin is taking a look at some of the hurdles she faced in her journey to success and how she’s giving back to the community…(read more at source)

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  1. 1:00 โ€œI always said I want to come back to the refugee camp. I always knew, my heart was to go back there and help in some way possible. But I never knew that pageants, or being the first Miss Somalia ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡ด, was what was going to lead me to that.โ€

    We stand behind you Khadija โ˜บ๏ธ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ฆ Proud that you can represent your homeland and achieve your dreams this way.

  2. She certainly is beautiful. It was the devil that was envious of God's creation that wished them to cover up. He did not want others to lay eyes on this beautiful creature because he wanted to keep her all to himself. Who can blame him?

    For that matter, when we look at this gorgeous creature we soon realize that there is a bit of the devil in all of us.

  3. Man, I can't WAIT for the right-wingers to post their crybaby rantings about Islamic terrorism and feminism on their new-fangled Getter social medias!

  4. Go to the youtube channel "The Meaning Of Islam" (that has currently approx 420k subscribers) and watch following three videos

    Chapter 7, Check 26th verse
    Chapter 24, Check 30th 31st 60th verse
    Chapter 33, Check 59th verse…

  5. Hypocrisy like when refugees women wanna dress like that in Canada, girl you came here because you were oppressed by patriarchal culture and religion and here You can be free but you choose to keep oppressed… I think is gonna happen same with masked ๐Ÿ˜ท people after all mandates are gone… Freedom is an state of mind…

  6. Isn't the point of Hijabi to show modesty? Wouldn't participating in a beauty pageant be contridicting the religion?
    Of course all religions are full of contridictions.

  7. To racist people in the comments section: YOUโ€™RE NOT BETTER THAN MINORITIES. Being racist is already an handicap. Itโ€™s disturbing in 2022. What a skin color or a religious choice have to do with youโ€™re value as an human or your capacity? Please get education.

  8. She has a very nice face. Can we be honest? The Hijabi does give her the advantage because people would say they're racist if she didn't win. So, what about the swimsuit portion?

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