Former Miss USA Cheslie Kryst dies at 30 | Rush Hour

Former Miss USA Cheslie Kryst dies at 30 | Rush Hour

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Cheslie Kryst, the 2019 winner of the Miss USA pageant and a correspondent for the entertainment news program β€œExtra,” has died at age 30.

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  1. So shocking that such a beautiful talented young woman would become so depressed that she took her own life. I wish I could say to her — please come back. Please undo this.

  2. I pray for God to give her family the strength to cope with her very untimely passing and I do hope that the news of her loss will cause people who are dealing with serious depression issues to seek the help they need whether it be spiritually through a church or one on one counseling sessions because we all get one life here on earth that is truely precious and if we decide to take it for whatever reason then there will be no coming back . The loss of this young lady's life in such a tragic manner by her own choice when she had so much good going on for herself should serve as a huge wake up call to everyone that no matter what you maybe going through in life that suicide is definitely not the right resolve to make anything better because it just causes more pain and grief for the many people that you leave behind who are left struggling trying to make sense of why you would decide to take your own life that the Creator gave you .

  3. Oh this is so sad. I wish she could have gotten the right help if she had mental illness. Sometimes it takes a while to find the right therapist and medication. God bless her soul. RIP.

  4. I want to see the CCTV of the hallways etc… Hope the cameras weren't turned off or something fishy like that πŸ€”

  5. She said she got a lot of hateful comments including ones that told her to kill herself. So sad that the only way she felt she could find peace was to take her life.

  6. I wonder if she got help from a therapist ever?
    I was desperately depressed last summer and had to walk myself to the emergency room. I’m so glad I did that. Mental health is critically important and where I grew up in a family where we were all supposed to be perfect, I now am very open about my depression and anxiety. I REALLY wish she didn’t come to that and I pray for her soul.

  7. I don't believe it was suicide ~ there are easier ways to kill yourself. She was pushed so hope they get the guilty party. Very sad! πŸ€—πŸ™

  8. πŸ’”πŸ’” she was really good at hiding it cause she didn't seem like she was depressed she should've reached out to someone.

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