From homeless to Miss International Queen 2023 Solange Dekker from Netherlands! #beautypageant

From homeless to Miss International Queen 2023  Solange Dekker from  Netherlands! #beautypageant

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  1. Now they are putting themselves in a minority category like if they were a certain race. This is not natural and people are cowards and sick to let this happen.

  2. "Diamonds covered in dirt just waiting to sprout"(?) Terrible mixed metaphor! Pretty generic & clumsy little speech…how are you going to create this environment, exactly? I support the good intentions but, really, it sounds like a bad Google translation. I don't get how this person won, all things considered.

  3. Gorgeous indeed …this says.. all matter who build it and what is costs. Its just became competition for the rich only !! How much does converting from female to male cost?
    Full facial feminizing surgery can cost as much as $52,500; the cost of a breast augmentation ranges from $3,000 to over $9,000.

  4. Women are mad because they put sanction barriers to protect their beauty privilege. Look what they did with their pride. Betrayal, golddigging, manipulation. Now the privilege got cancelled.

  5. It is not discusting or so. I mean, firt of all most transsexual "men" (and other kind of sex) try to have a good and fair life. Decades ago such people often had to suffer because of the "handicap" and for social isolation.
    Yes it's a handicap from the biological, endocrinological (hormons) and/or psychological point of view
    Why everyday annoying with the heads of the newspapers? There are other problems as diabetes, thyroideal deseases, acromegalia etc. there are countless social and political challenges.
    Some people want to the masses. And if somebody complains about such a competition, where men are sold as the "better woman" – they instead should create their own competitions, with all respect – this anybody is called fascist etc.
    I also wonder why the always moaning feminists are so quite.

  6. Women have been feeling below men for thousands of years. These beauty pageants , women's sports and all the other platforms encouraging women's participation were introduced to make women feel empowered and strong in a male dominated world. And guess what happens?

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