HOW TO SPEAK ELEGANTLY | Conversation Mistakes to Avoid | Speak like a Lady

HOW TO SPEAK ELEGANTLY | Conversation Mistakes to Avoid | Speak like a Lady

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Ladies, did you know people judge us immediately by the way we speak?

People can assume all kinds of things from our level of education, social class and how well or ill mannered we are.

In this video, I take you through 14 crucial points that you must take on board if you want to portray an image of respectability and class when speaking.

How we speak is so important. If you make certain mistakes, it can cost you the image that you have worked so hard to acquire.

Woman Of Elegance is a platform to help women globally become the best version of themselves. Founded by Vivienne Abena, a social etiquette and protocol coach trained by

world class Etiquette coaches.

Here at Woman Of Elegance, we pride ourselves on giving you invaluable advice that will help you in all facets of your life, from your lifestyle, Refinement and Etiquette.

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  1. This is your most didactic video yet. The topoc placements and the instructions are so specific I actually was inspired to take notes. The tip about breaking the eye contact monotony was inspired! Looking away and pretending to cough etc . That's not easily thought of. And it is commendable you added that training is required. The same way a woman trains her body so it tapers and refines to what she wants it to project, so much more must she train for how her speaking conveys. Excellent video again

  2. I am struggling many years of speaking very fast and I am always try to avoid speaking to others.
    It's gets me nervous, I am getting tired, heart rate and speak ready increases dramatically and I am starting mumbling.

  3. Thank you so much I'm so grateful to watch your video ❀ I'm felt like you're talking of me your personality show that you're are simple not over elegant like some people
    What I recognise that I can't change a habit without change an idea, value or principle in my unconscious mind ❀❀ and then it because easy
    Cause that make u loving what u do without copying others ❀ thank you so much ❀❀ I'm a new elegant girl in your elegant family ❀❀❀

  4. I went to the site for the free download. It required me to sign up to subscriptions. I signed up. Then received an email asking to confirm my subscription via link. I clicked on the link as instructed but never received that download as promised via email. REAL SUSPICIOUS. Are we helping women of scamming woman!

  5. Hi
    It’s my first time discovering this channel and I’m so delighted to join the community
    And must confess , I love your kindness 😊❀
    Hope to benefit more from the Chanel.

  6. Also, there are so many cultures where different behaviors are and aren't accepted, so it is really impossible to define one single "perfect lady" to be type of a woman!!!πŸ˜‚

  7. I like your video, but it seems to have some gender discrimination attached to it. If a woman screams, is not "lady like", but if man screams, they have the right to talk!!! NOOO TO THAT LINE OF THOUGHT! THANKS!

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