Love them for the creations, let them create it! the music! 12 Miss Lilly Howard vocals

Love them for the creations, let them create it! the music! 12 Miss Lilly Howard vocals

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Bumar records in association with Compassionate sound and motion productions proudly presents a new concert series
William Tatge, grande pianista per la terza volta al Terrace Lounge quest’anno, è il pianista più creativo con cui ho suonato in molti anni.
é il modo in cui usa gli accordi durante la melodia della canzone dicendo esattamente quello che occorre nel momento giusto, può prendere una vecchia canzone e trasformarla in una nuova. Si, sono molto contento di avere William Tatge che benedice il palco qui al Terrace Lounge di nuovo, è davvero meraviglioso.

Mark Hagan al basso, non ci sono parole per descrivere quello che Mark Hagan fa sul basso quando suoniamo insieme; Il suo uso delle note crea esattamente il giusto impasto timbrico con gli accordi e suona l’arco come uno strumentista sinfonico.
Alcune cose non possono essere dette a parole.
Poi ovviamente c’è Marvin bugalu Smith alla batteria.
Oltre al suo intuito nello scegliere proprio i musicisti giusti che funzionano insieme, c’è il suo ritmo sui tamburi da cui deriva il suo nome. Quindi rilassatevi e godetevi questo set.

New concert August 4th.2009 live from the Terrace Lounge with William Tage on piano and Lew Scott on bass and of course bugalu on drums

Marvin Bugalu Smith says I’m mixing the new show with William Tatge on piano and Lew Scott on bass. William on piano is the best young piano player I played with in many years, of playing the drums he’s a must see and must hear. Kind of player. And the very wonderful master bass player Lew Scott with the great master of song, dance, movies, and theater, Miss Melba Moor you have to be a wonderful bass player with deep ears to play for many years like Lew Scott did with
Miss Melba Moor. Then there is master
Marvin Bugalu Smith on drums with that great energy that he brings to each piece of music
That he playing he’s played drums with the
Great Sun Ra, Archie Shepp and the great master of dance and film Miss Lola Falana thought out Europe
Marvin Bugalu Smith For the very best in entertainment in the Hudson Valley of New York state. on 81 Liberty St., In Newburgh NY GO TO
and for bugalu’s top ten video’s go to

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Mr.Jay Lang wrote Escape an early death.. Raymond Chandler once brilliantly penned ‘Meek little wives feel the edge of the carving knife and study their husbands’ necks’ when referring to the hot Sanna Ana winds that blow through Southern California and literally turn the city upside down. ‘Anything can happen’…, he continues, and hence I am reminded once again of the genius of Marvin Bugalu Smith.

In a city such as Newburgh, NY where literally ANYTHING can happen and often does, Marvin has created one of the hottest, most exciting jazz venues in the world. Is it the Blue Note where you pay $150 to listen to smooth Jazz? Fortunately not. This is the real stuff born of the streets, bleeding with soul and awash with salvation if you are a jazz lover.

If you are able to escape the ‘carving knife’ on these hot August nights, get down to the Terrace Lounge and you will not only experience the greatest living drummer of today, but you just may escape an early death as well…
By Jay Lang enjoy

Marvin Bugalu Smith on drums
William Tatge piano
Lew Scott bass
Miss Lilly Howard vocals
To see who’s playing

bugalu’s top ten video’s go to

Marvin Bugalu Smith on drums
William Tatge piano
Lew Scott bass
Lilly Howard vocals..(read more)

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