Miss America 1989 Prelims- swimsuit, talent and evening gown(Sept 1988)

Miss America 1989 Prelims- swimsuit, talent and evening gown(Sept 1988)

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Swimsuit Winners: LA , MS, FL
Talent Winners: OK, MN, UT
Non-finalist talent winners: MO, AR, NY, TN, NJ, OH, UT, AZ..(read more at source)

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  1. Thought it was a shame that Gretchen was a great Miss America…VERY talented, but she just didn't seem to be the MAO Leader needed. I thought MN, CO, and AL had the best talents.

  2. I liked Nebraska the best. Vocal performances tend to be the same few songs re-hashed every year, but Jodie's glass of water act has (to my knowledge) never been repeated until she taught it to her daughter for Miss America's Outstanding Teen recently.

    Thank you for uploading. (Or do you say downloading in America?)

    David from πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ England

  3. After watching this, I will have to say that Utah was the best talent overall. Unfortunately I heard her overall performance was not good, especially interview but her talent, WOW. This is just my opinion.😊

  4. Best pianist – UTAH, best opera singer- OKLAHOMA, best pop singer-COLORADO, best ballet dancer- NEW YORK, best jazz dancer-ARIZONA, best baton- MISSOURI(by default- she was only one who didn't drop a baton, but she only used one baton), best violinist-MINNESOTA. Best swimsuit- LOUISIANA- thought she looked perfect-healthy and shapely. CA was very second for me but just a tab too thin, but looked so regal. MS had great legs.

  5. Miss Missouri was one of the most talented contestants I have ever seen and my first Miss America Pageant was in 1963!! I am honk it would be great to have everyone who lives this comment on their most favorite talents because my list would be long! There have been many great talents over the years.
    Have to agree….Mary Ann is shouting. God love her and miss her now that she is gone.

  6. Thank you for sharing this! This is one of my all time favorite Miss America years. However, after watching the prelims, I'm a bit shocked at how "hokey" a lot of the talents were, so it would have been easy to chose a Top 10/12. Most certainly, Miss TX Cathy Castro and Miss AR Patty Thorn would have been in my 10 just from watching the onstage prelims. I'm shocked neither made it. They both must have been right there at the doorstep of the Top 10.

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