Miss America Pageant 2000 (September 1999)

Miss America Pageant 2000 (September 1999)

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  1. Jade smalls, miss illinois, set the standard for showing love to the winner.never before and since have I seen a 1st runner up hug the winner that long and with such warmth and sincerity.

  2. This was one of my favorites, I notice there were several teen USA candidates and future USA participants. Talented group and excellent top five interviews. Heart to heart interviews excellent job Marie Osmond,

  3. So many years we watch this show and roll our eyes, shake our head and say "Oh brother…come on" when they announce the winner that just doesn't seem right. This year was NOT one of those years. Miss Kentucky was the right choice and was so obviously so early in the evening.

  4. I have wanted to see Heather’s talent for years….!!!! Thank you for this Xmas gift!!!! She truly is one of the best Miss America’s ever!!!

  5. Loved Donnie and Marie as host for Miss America. Miss America should consider returning to the traditional top 10 and final 5 format. No more of this 2.0 nonsense.

  6. I like the format of this MA pageant. I think the organization should relook at this type of format and copy it for next years pageant and yes call it a pageant. At this point they have nothing to lose. It would be much better than that catastrophe of last year. And comments???

  7. Miss Maryland who was 3rd runner up competed in Florida also. Miss Illinois 1st runner up also competed in another state…South Carolina. Miss Wisconsin competed in Pennsylvania before winning her state title too. So interesting! So Fun! Thanks again

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