Miss Ukraine rejected standing beside Miss Russia

Miss Ukraine rejected standing beside Miss Russia

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During a recent beauty pageant event, Miss Ukraine made headlines when she decided to refuse standing next to Miss Russia. The incident took place during the lineup of contestants, where Miss Ukraine reportedly requested to be moved away from Miss Russia.

The decision by Miss Ukraine not to stand next to Miss Russia sparked controversy and further fueled tensions between the two neighboring countries. Ukraine and Russia have a long history of political conflict and strained relations, and this incident only served to highlight the animosity between the two nations.

Many people praised Miss Ukraine for taking a stand and showing solidarity with her country amid ongoing tensions with Russia. Others criticized her actions, arguing that beauty pageants should remain apolitical and that she should have set aside political differences for the sake of sportsmanship.

Regardless of the opinions surrounding the incident, it is clear that Miss Ukraine’s actions have brought attention to the ongoing conflict between Ukraine and Russia. While beauty pageants are meant to celebrate beauty and talent, they can also serve as a platform for raising awareness about important political issues.

Miss Ukraine’s refusal to stand next to Miss Russia may have been a small gesture, but it has certainly made a big impact. It remains to be seen how this incident will be remembered in the context of future beauty pageants and relations between the two countries.

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  1. What a illogical logic if we use this logic then USA 🇺🇸 should also be banned they had also killed million of people inIraq, Syria , Afghanistan and had also helped South Vietnam in their torture against Northern and South Vietnam Civilians and helped many dictators and terrorist who killed innocent people by using American money and weapons this is joke We Stand with Russia fed up with the west hypocrisy. Also Western European countries has also done this in the past to sustain their economy

  2. All of the comments just show how ignorant and “woke” Americans are. It’s ok to shame and cancel Israeli people yet if that is done to an “innocent russian” it is “uncalled for”?? Russians were the ones who invaded a country yet Ukrainians must love and tolerate them? Why don’t Palestinians tolerate Israeli people on their land? Hypocrites.

  3. Most Russian citizens don't agree with what's happening especially because more than a few of them have friends and family in Ukraine. Imagine living in Russia or just being born there and everyone hates you for something you can't control. Russian citizens can't even have McDonald's anymore because of the war and McDonald's pulled their restaurants from Russia

  4. I really dont understand why every organization is lashing out at any and everything russian. What does a pagent contestant have to do with her governments war

  5. Украинцы весь российский народ ненавидит и проклинают всех подряд не только правительство! Я в 2022 году в сентябре лежала в роддоме, только родила свою дочь и мне пару человек украинцев написали в Инстаграмме "Что бы ты умерла и твои дети тоже, проклинаю тебя" Я была в шоке не понимала что происходит, новости не смотрела, я была в эйфории после рождения ребенка. Когда родные встретили меня рассказали что твориться , это был шок, страх. Но я тут причем бл?! Что начали мне такие писать, многим знакомым тоже писали такие слова. В комментариях как то старалась объяснять что я против этого, но они не видят не слышат тебя, просто говорили " желаю вам того же, что бы жили под ракетами". Хотя я плакала переживала когда видела на видео все эти ужасы, сопереживала. Сейчас понимаю что лучше вообще не стоит разговаривать с ними. Эта мисс Украина тоже пластиковая кукла с пустым воздухом внутри😑 Они ещё после конкурса в Инстаграм выкладывали свои переписки с директором мисс Украина, якобы думали зелёнкой облить платье мисс России перед выходом на конкурс костюмов….это так низко🤦🏻‍♀️

  6. STOP IT! Firstly, the russian girl herself wanted to stand next to the Ukrainian woman, which provoked a conflict. Secondly, a Ukrainian woman HAS the right not to stand next to a person whose relatives kill her relatives during the war. Thirdly, think, would it be nice to put a Jewish woman and a German woman side by side during the Second World War? It's so cute, right?

  7. Many Russians are against the war. BUT can't express themselves against it because they or their family would suffer the consequences. I understand Ukraine not want to be next to the Russian girl and i respect that, but the Russian girl is also not at fault for her president decision. I hope not other people where hostile against her for being Russian it would be bullying in my book.

  8. Asi es la vida, todos los Rusos están siendo rechazados y humillados por EL HORROR QUE SIGUEN CAUSANDO DOLOR Y SUFRIMIENTO EN UCRANIA. Rusia no debió mandar a su candidata, aunque sea por verguenza de ser unos dementes asesinos.
    No les importó el odio y el gran rechazo que sabían que esta pobre mujer iba a recibir. ESTO SE LLAMA "KARMA" = CASTIGO POR MALBADOS ACTOS.
    presiento que mandaron a su cadidata como ratón de laboratorio, osea para tener una idea de qué opinión tiene la humanidad sobre sus actos de matanza.
    Siento mucha pena por los buenos RUSOS que existen, y muchos, pero los politicos, y gente poderosa, no los dejan ni vivir en paz y ni en total libertad, porque una inmensa cantidad de jovenes fueron obligados para ir a esa ABSURDA, Y CRUEL GUERRA".
    Muchos esperan que aunque la rusa sea bonita como otras candidatas, NO GANE, se imaginan como la hundirían por las redes sociales, uff POBRE MUJER. Dios las bendiga a todas por igual, porque una gran y profunda herida SIEMPRE TENDRÁ GRAVES CONSECUENCIAS, AQUÍ CON LA MISS RUSIA ESTÁ EL EJEMPLO.
    Nota: No pierdan su tiempo con ninguna clase de ataque, porque jamás los contesto jjjjj😉

  9. That's just low class…. her behavior towards miss Russia is the exact reason why the world is supporting Russia in this NATO's Ukraine-Russia war… disgusting the Ukrainian people

  10. At the beginning I loved Russia 🇷🇺 and now I hate Russia 🇷🇺!!!
    Cuz they are killing a lot of innocent people in Ukraine 🇺🇦. I’m supporting to miss Ukraine with her decision to keep distance from the miss Russian

  11. Some fool Ukrainian are saying that the red dress of russian contestant indicates blood of Ukrainian. It means that the sword is less threatened than the red dress. Joker Ukrainians🤡

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