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  1. The overall impression was for Kansas she scored first in swimsuit and interview so she should have won. However had she won she would have missed out on the one million dollars she won on the reality show

  2. Kansas was truly lovely! She was the loveliest of them all even when her face is zoomed in.if she would have won and represented USA in MU 1996,she prob won it!

  3. It must have been soooooooooo close between the Top 2. Both answered their questions so very well. And really, Kansas had the higher scores throughout the competition, even though Louisiana was right up there. I'd venture a guess that it was closest decision in the history of Miss USA. 2 fantastic Finalists, and Tennessee was no slouch!

  4. Beca Lee was the most beautiful woman in this contest, I don't understand how they didn't choose her. Beautiful in every way, the other two had a beauty something common and ordinary, something that can be seen out there on the street, while Beca Lee, OMG, awesome and unparalleled beauty! 🤷🏻‍♂️😉

  5. Hated the way they introduced the candidates! They should have kept their state costumes and introduced them that way! Ali Landry was one of my favorite Miss USAs. Danielle Boatright was too smug and over confident for me! I was so happy that Ali won!

  6. Danielle is stunning but so is Aly. It's a shame they competed in the same year cause both were deserving of the title. I believe Aly won by a small margin.

  7. I love Aly a lot,but Danielle should have been Miss USA and Becca the first runner up..
    In Miss Universe 1996,Danielle had been the first runner up since Alicia was the undeniable winner.But Aly has been an amazing woman,the perfect example of beauty and brains.
    Definetely,this Miss USA pageant has been one of the best of all times……..Danielle,Becca and Aly are absolutely sttuning !!!!!

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