Missing 411- David Paulides Presents a Missing Retired Brigadier General & Other Cases From UT & WI

Missing 411- David Paulides Presents a Missing Retired Brigadier General & Other Cases From UT & WI

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This video Contains the Following Missing Person Cases:
John Henry, Age 2 1/2, Missing 9/22/23, Mellen WI
Tommy Novak, 12 Years, Missing July 25, 1958, Park Valley, UT
Gen Andrew McFarland, 78 Years, Missing Sept 10, 1965, Schoodic Lake ME

© 2021 David Paulides NABS LLC

David Paulides@canammissing

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  1. Welcome Villagers! I hope you made it through the holidays happy and healthy and ready to tackle another year. Let's hope 2022 has us bouncing back to our old ways of living with the citizens having a greater say in how they want to live their lives, not the government. Make your voice heard!
    Let's continue to grow our community through the referral of friends and family, the strongest was to survive and thrive.
    Have a GREAT week.

    David Paulides@canammissing

    Our library of 200 Videos:

    Our first Movie- Missing 411- Free on youtube movies.

    Our second documentary-Missing 411- The Hunted:

    David's Bigfoot Website:

    Purchase Point
    Our sister site where you can purchase the Missing 411 books: https://www.nabigfootsearch.com/Bigfootstore.html

    Our Missing Person Website:

  2. Much respect to you my Brother,. Common Sense How much of Inner Earth and oceans that has been explored? Nah let's go into outer Space? Let's not even look for a cure of cancer Nasholes, oops digressing sorry… There's underground Caves that could house 20k inhabitant, that we know about. There is a network of caves, natural and manmade (They should use Ground penetrating radar when someone goes missing. IDK I'm a drunk) Serial Killers, Wild Men, Sasquatch, vortex, Aliens and deviant Gov't projects, personally I think it's all of the above. God Bless you sir and your Fam! Be well!

  3. I think this channel is an indespesible resource. I trust your vetting and the letters Dave are the most interesting addition to the channel. After hearing a few stories of lost time I’m glad I have this village as a resource for sharing ideas and experiences. I believe that sharing in these experiences allows us to grow and unite as a community. If you should go behind a pay wall at some point because the fine folks at youtube despise non conforming beliefs then I too shall follow you to that new channel! Take care everyone.

  4. Speaking on portals, what about CERN? Many in the Christian realm think it’s a portal. The people who created have no idea what they may open but, they have Shiva, a statue of the goddess of destruction outside. Really???

  5. Let’s keep in mind that certain things are not either good or evil, it just is, everything what we see it’s in our perspective how we see things, I was raced Catholic so I was taught that GOD always looks after children, that they are protected, but how can this be? Because if this was so there wouldn’t be children being killed by their own parents, abused or molested this wouldn’t exists right? Funny the person that told me this when I was younger is my mom, yet we hear about stories of children having something bad happen to them, yet she hard core believes what I said in the beginning, no one can change her mind otherwise, I do believe there is more then one thing taking these people, don’t know what, but it’s happening

  6. Enjoyed the show David, I’m still playing catch up on past episodes. With work, life, and quite good many other podcasts of versions of interest I listen to,,

    They Always gives me the opportunity keep a open mine and a larger way to see the world outside the box. More to say some other time of odd things I’ve experienced over the years.

  7. I always prefer the more recent stories.
    The older ones can be interesting too , but it was so much easier to lose people not that long ago,
    shoot , when I was a kid it was easy , I’m surprised My mother didn’t just “ accidentally “ lose Me.
    I’m sure she contemplated it more than a few times 😄

    Anyways , the more recent the more relatable the stories are.

  8. I've been researching these disappearances and strange happenings since the early 90s. The conclusion I came too is top officials and 3 letter US organizations know and don't want us to know. Think about this everyone. If there were truly evil ones in charge what would they do with that power. I've heard demonic portals are littered around the US and we're opened by Satanists and engineers a long time ago. Bringing beasts from realms unknown. This is the reason for the silence from the 3 letter groups. It's the same story as it's always been. Good vs. Evil and earth is the battleground

  9. If the red goo has or is some form of mercury it could definitely have effected time. Mercury has been used by past civilizations for many strange uses. From time machines to zero point energy.
    This may explain the phenomenon.
    God Bless

  10. Most of us Old School 🐸 men
    Were Trained A Lot different then they are Today. I went through in 92
    I will say this, if they hadn’t changed some of the Evolutions… NOBODY would
    Make it through. I’m Not saying, it’s Not still pretty tough by No means. I’m just
    Telling you, since 2000 it’s a couple notches down from anything we accomplished. And the Reason for it was
    Simple… Nobody would make it. And another thing, we Never, Ever Spoke about it to Anyone other than a 🐸
    So between what training goes on
    And what’s ok today? And how some are
    Making movies, books and Videos about
    Our Groups? Yeah A Lots Changed. My
    Dad and brothers blame Tom partly.. lol
    Anyway is what it is..🌊 🐸

  11. Regarding the time jump story. As well as time freezing stories, there are also creditable stories (Fortean Times) of people who experience time boosts, where they don’t understand why everyone else is standing still or moving so slowly. Despite my interest in these topics, I tend to favor material explanations, when they can be found. In this case, I would expect some sort of magnetic effect on the watch should be fully investigated before being discarded. Not that I disbelieve the story, a magnetic effect could also cause a space-time disjunction, for all I know.

  12. About 1st letter
    Fabulous interpretation regarding frequencies,and vibration.
    This is exactly how I am able to connect with missing deceased people.
    The victims know I will be able to hear them ,then I work for Homocide and I am accurate to help the distraught family members💖💫💗🤍💗🤍
    I will not connect with low vibrations;.
    Demonized souls.

  13. I have bipolar disorder tending towards mania, so thanks for speaking on mental issues in the USA. Especially glad you speak on missing folks. If it's an organized effort to abduct people, as I feel it is, people need to know.

  14. I lost my 7 yr old son in 1998 and then my wife of 32 yrs in 2015 ! I don't know why God allows such sudden and unexpected loss and pain to occur ? But I do believe God has a plan for each of us . keep moving forward, and continue to keep your Faith ! May God bless and help console You ! If you need someone to talk to….I'm here ! Love what you do…..I appreciate your hard work and dedication !

  15. I remember the first time I discovered that seeing the future is possible.
    Here's a story
    I laid down in bed, mid day, my kids are kind of around, playing, arguing whatnot, spouse in the kitchen,
    I didn't mean to dose off but I did
    I only went under for a few moments and in those moments I dreamt.
    I dreamt that my second son jumps on my bed while I'm sleeping, thus waking me up, and blowing on a whistle he has in his mouth,
    I wake up cause my son jumps in my bed, waking me and immediately blows on a whistle he had in his mouth
    I was shocked
    I investigated, apparantly my spouse got whistles and gave to all our 3 children, my son noticed me falling asleep a moment before and decided to wake me up like that.
    The whistle he blew was the first time he whistled, I checked, so it wasn't like he whistled a few times and it got in my dream and I didn't know my spouse had whistles to give to them in the first place.
    I saw into the future – by one second.

  16. My mom is a chaneller. I'm free translating from Hebrew, I think you call it Medium in English. She has a guide that speaks through her on sessions – people come to her and ask for guidance and her guide helps them. It isn't fortune telling – it's like a psychological treatment only it tunes into you in a specific way like no other and it's really beyond amazing. Her guide can read your spiritual DNA and speak to your specific level of understanding and help you.
    Now, the reason I'm telling us this is because of the question brought up, why do the souls or whatever power reveals the location of a body to some stranger. My mom says that she's like a hose, a channel – her guide fits her and she him – that's why they're together, it's why she didn't choose him or he her – they fit. You, David, read a letter saying some people only receive and some only send, some hear static, which is a good thing, that means they receive something and if they'll practice they might be able to tune in correctly.
    So the power that sends this finding dream looks around and finds someone who is compatible, someone who will understand, and in the hope that they'll interpert the dream accordingly and find the body.
    That's how I understand that.

  17. I'm thankful for all the special people in this Village. Keep on loving and caring, that we may overcome evil with good. Keep on standing with each other. Let the bad that comes accentuate the good that is: the stars are beautiful because the sky behind them is black; and they shine out in glory! God has made us to shine, also.

  18. I love the work you are doing regarding the missing. Such an important topic that needs deep investigation—I hope you can refrain from the topics that are so dividing us so we don’t lose you on YouTube. Let’s come together and be strong. I believe In freedom of speech but won’t follow to Rumble. Thanks for all your work. Clearly you are an amazing researcher but —Lots of independent fact checkers to consult with. Will be sending you an email soon about my friend Steve Eby—in your Missing 411 Canada. He was a good friend and also, my brother was high up the chain in Vancouver police at the time and was involved to a point. He was working in vice. Anyway…more when I email! Thanks Dave!

  19. My Sasquatch friend crafted a beautiful cutting board! It's too nice to cut on and besides, it's 12 feet long & doesn't fit on the kitchen counter. I made him a bushel of his favorite chocolate chip cookies, he thinks he got the better part of the deal.

  20. The question about whether or not people are seeing these disappearances in dreams is a good one. And you said:
    Perhaps they are tuning it out.

    There are other possibilities.
    1. They don't remember the details of the dream when they wake up. (I know I rarely do, or maybe bits and pieces that quickly slip away if not written down).
    2. They aren't given enough information in the dream. Perhaps only a name, a place… or even random images of the location. If they don't know someone is missing say two states away… and have this dream… would they ever connect it.
    3. They don't understand the information. I mean, it's a dream, and let's be honest how often do people take dreams seriously… or let's say they do. What if it's some location or place, or images they just can't piece together. Like it makes no sense in the dream and worse when waking.
    4. They tune it out (as you stated). I mean, it's just a dream, right?
    5. They don't tune it out, but are at a loss. Even if they were able to remember everything that is shown, and any names or places. Perhaps they still never connect it to real life. Or discount it, possibly never looking into it.
    6. They don't care. Let's face it… these people exist.
    7. They have all the information, and actually try looking it up. But aren't looking it upright, or never find any information. I mean, if you aren't given a name of a place or the person who's missing full name… it might be hard to find anything. Especially if the images that are shown aren't familiar places to you. As you said, some of these searches get buried or lost in time in archives. And even with this "information age", how much data and information are the powers that be really allowing us access to?
    8. They have all the information and do find something, but the case is closed, or there's no contact information for anyone on the case or the family. And all attempts to contact local authorities are met with ridicule and skepticism… I mean, let's face it. Most cops aren't going to take an "I had a dream of where the body/person is…" call seriously. Though they might think you murdered the person… at worst. We all know how many calls they get about sightings of people, and a lot is going to be ignored and discounted. And anyone sounding crazy will likely be ignored.
    9. They all the information and manage to get someone to listen and pass the information along. Either leading to finding the body/person or not.

    There's probably more, just wanted to throw it out there.

    You are doing a great job, keep it up David!

  21. Know one knows what's on the mind of a person right before they take their life I came home from school one day a thought entered my mind I don't want to live anymore I took pills went to bed my mother felt something was wrong she found me it's scary when I think back

  22. The last time I went to squatchfest it was filled with masonic bs. Don't trust the grifters! 33rd degree sitting next to Bigfoot Expedition. And all the speakers are controlled op. Let's talk about the relationship with Bigelow now shall we…..

  23. In Mexico they talk about things like aliens but there they call them monsters once you see it you're basically damned forever and they only come after people that fear them so what if all the people that go missing are people that see these things in the national parks and get scared the only way they can get near you is if you fear them if you don't they can't come by u

  24. Box Elder County. 5,000 flyers is an absurd for the time. I'll bet it was hot as all hell, low 100° in the day. Maybe he would go out for a day, but not a few. The Newfoundland Mountain range out close to Park Valley are only inhabited by Mt. Goats. I live in Box Elder County.

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