Mrs. Nita Ambani Received 'Beauty With a Purpose Humanitarian Award’ At The 71st Miss World Final

Mrs. Nita Ambani Received 'Beauty With a Purpose Humanitarian Award’ At The 71st Miss World Final

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Cause for Celebration ~

Mrs. Nita Ambani set the stage for an evening of mindful beauty at the 71st Miss World Final as she said, “I firmly believe that women will play the most important role in making the world a better place in this century. For what women cannot do, cannot be done.”

The prestigious international pageant conferred its highest honour, the ‘Beauty With a Purpose Humanitarian Award’ to Mrs. Nita Ambani.

The award celebrates her immense contribution to philanthropic endeavours and community building over the years, across the spheres of education, healthcare, arts and culture, sports and beyond touching the lives of over 72 million people.

#MissWorld #BeautyWithAPurpose #MW71 #IncredibleIndia #NitaMukeshAmbaniCultureCentre
#SwadeshOnline..(read more at source)

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  1. என்ன திடீர்னு தமிழ்ல பேசிட்டீக …எனிவேஸ் இட்ஸ் சோ குட் டூ ஹியர் தமிழ் வேர்ட்ஸ் ஃப்ரம் அம்பானி'ஸ்

  2. Ma'am the way you promote Indian culture, making India a global stage is really applaudable. Since you are taking so much interest and effort, I would humbly like to share my opinion, without any selfish motive or any expectations,if you feel you can do it, you may.
    Since you are a Devibhakt, why do you permit people in your parties who wear clothes just to show off their bodies? See the qualities of Devi, the most important one is 'Lajja',

    या देवी सर्वभूतेषु लज्जारूपेण संस्थिता ।
    नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः ॥

    You being a staunch believer of Devi, wouldn't it be correct if you follow and also make others follow and practice the qualities of a Devi ? Because you are at a level, where people watch you and follow your actions, whatever you do or whatever you promote will have much more impact on the society than anyone else doing the same thing.
    Even in Srimad Bhagwat Gita it is mentioned,

    यद्यदाचरति श्रेष्ठस्तत्तदेवेतरो जनः।
    स यत्प्रमाणं कुरुते लोकस्तदनुवर्तते ॥ (Adhyay 3, shlok 21)

    That whatever standards are set by the influential people in the society, are followed by the masses.
    Hence, it would be great, if you promote our culture maintaining the essence of it and maybe by fixating a dress-code for all your functions or parties.

    Hari Om 🙏🏻

  3. Hello Ambanis – instead of spending 1000s of crores of pre-weddings/weddings ,please BUY
    all anti-India media channels – BBC, CNN, Al-jazeera, NYT, ..etc and convert them into Pro-India, Pro-Hindu channels.
    please Promote Sanatan dharma in all global media channels.

  4. Please note that my family doesn’t want any kind of Bina or Beena named group People. As my sister Bina is a Royal Princess and the other people of the same name and lookalikes are not. There where several Beena Patels Beena Kabirs etc and none of them are part of my family friends or anything else. People that are joint to my family in social networks and media sites are not related as there just old connections especially friends. Where family is true and part of the real network. Friends = Fake network and star. Family = Real network and star. ⚡️🤴🏽🕉🔺➕

  5. For god's sake if you want to put out this info you should also give full details as to where is this event being held. You cannot assume everybody is interested and follows miss world contest.

  6. Such rich ambanis are, monopolise every business, buy land in few pennies and make such wealth. They do this charity to save taxes and gain fame in return

  7. Congreduetion my dear sweetheart lovely Queen Miss Nita Ambani mem Bless Your long life good health good day All time happy thank YOU so muce Radhey Radhey 💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁

  8. ambani plus bollywood english speaking egoistic elite go to miss world competition. Is this not objectification for selling stereotypes on beauty of women? Anupama chopra and critics,crying on Kabir Singh and Animal answer if you can.

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