Pageant hopeful harshly criticized for appearance | WWYD

Pageant hopeful harshly criticized for appearance | WWYD

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A pageant coach is overheard telling a model she needs to upgrade her entire look before the next pageant. How will diners who overhear the conversation respond to the coach’s critical approach?


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What would you do when you think no one is watching? What Would You Do? (WWYD?) explores the varying answers with the help of hidden cameras capturing individuals who have been placed within seemingly everyday situation that quickly go awry. The individuals on this hidden camera show are forced to make tough calls when directly faced with situations of racism, violence, hate crimes, and other hot button cultural issues. Catch John Quinones reporting on these individuals as they make split-second decisions to intervene or mind their own business. WWYD? airs Friday nights at 9|8c on ABC.

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About the author: Pageant Coach

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  1. This makes me fking sick, these bastards have my son in care, abused and neglected by his mum behind my back, they just took him. They say they tried to find out my details but Kelly my sons mum refused to give details. I’m now fighting to get my son home, with me where he is safe and will flourish. She didn’t feed him, dragged him around the streets in the middle of the night and allowed him to witness her getting drunk and fight with her then boyfriend whom is now in prison. I am now going through parenting assessments and fighting tooth and nail to get him out of care.

    I know I’ll get my son but the process takes time and that infuriates me, I just want my little boy out of the system and with me , where he will be safe and have everything he’s ever wanted, love and respect, his needs catered for always and anything he wants he can have as I’m in a position to financially support him and buy him everything he needs and anyone he wants. Yet even being a millionaire, doesn’t seem to give them a reason to just place him with me, it’s all about checks and more checks, despite not have a criminal record. I detest social workers, they fail every child in their care in my view.

  2. This is the influence of a pageant flatform, discussion and talk, or physically judge, but not all of the possible outcomes the topic of competition in beauty can apply to the rest of those who don't, the concept of application or the practice of applying good ideas are still not very popular in america nor easy at all, understanding, guilt, serious thinking and behavior alone are still not enough, you have to do what you can talk…

  3. As someone who worked behind the scenes with photographers and models (makeup artist) I would have thwapped someone in the head with the biggest makeup brush in my arsenal if I heard any of that word vomit. I'm fortunate to have worked in the Midwest and not the coasts because the stories I've heard…I would be blacklisted in a heartbeat. The Industry (ALL Entertainment Industries) need to change. Good people need to work hard and get into positions of power. These old white chairboard members never felt the need to change, they are untouchable. WE as a people have changed though, and I hope that as these Elites die out, new blood of younger and more compassionate generations take their places. It's a different time now.

  4. What was the point of that girl going to the news that she's bullied? Everyone knows that pageant girls are treated badly. Even children in pageants. People choose to go into it anyway.

  5. Well.. The whole beauty industry is fake and toxic. The very fact that you have to hire 'beauty coaches' says it all.. Beauty isn't a skill like football or wrestling. So why do you even need coaches for it? Lol

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