‘Pray for Myanmar’: Miss Universe contestant with political statement wins best national costume

‘Pray for Myanmar’: Miss Universe contestant with political statement wins best national costume

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Miss Myanmar Thuzar Wint Lwin held a “Pray for Myanmar” sign on stage during the national costume portion at the Miss Universe pageant in Florida. The 22-year-old went on to win the segment on May 16, 2021. A vocal supporter of Myanmar’s pro-democracy movement, she has taken part in anti-coup protests and donated money to the families of those killed in the military crackdowns.

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  1. Despite the end of World War II, the people of Burma are still fighting the dictatorial cronies with all available weapons.
    What we are fighting for is democracy, Only for human rights and justice

  2. This method was used back in the days to spread message. Honestly with social media and the internet, it is not really needed anymore.

  3. Pray doesn't work. The only way which may save the country from a long and cruel civil war would be a military intervention by the global super power.

  4. Myanmar win because the judge feel bad lol, the costume is really cheap, she only holding a paper, can you imagine what other country feel? They work hard for their national costume but they loss to girl that only holding a paper, ew

  5. Myanmar win because the judge feel bad lol, the costume is really cheap, she only holding a paper, can you imagine what other country feel? They work hard for their national costume but they loss to girl that only holding a paper, ew

  6. Still, I feel as though Mexico didn't deserve the crown. Her Q and A answer is the equivalent of a dog's feces and yet she won!? Myanmar deserves it more than she does

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