Slaanesh's Dread Pageant | Warband Review | Warhammer Underworlds: Direchasm

Slaanesh's Dread Pageant | Warband Review | Warhammer Underworlds: Direchasm

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The ugliest pageant you have ever seen, but also one hell of a warband.

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  1. Bonded Bodyguard does not only trigger after a friendly fighter's Move action, but after any fighter's Move action. You could therefore use it to slingshot Slakelash along Vasillac if Vasillac charges, push Slakeslash towards Vasillac if your opponent charges your leader, or even prevent a Charge against Slakeslash himself if your opponent is not adjacent after the Move action.

  2. Any deck ideas for these fellas? I saw ideas on just moving them all to enemy territory. Any other possible builds? Maybe something quarry related for the cow, like absolute stillness?

  3. I hadn't bought anything for Underworlds since the Beastgrave set and I wasn't planning to pick this up (was waiting to see what March release was)… but you just sold me on it. Looks like a fun warband.

  4. Hey there! Excess of Indolency is in fact Path to Glory without a need to kill someone. And Path to Glory is played a lot. And top of that it is hybrid with another condition. I would not call this card a weaker one.

  5. I'm a big fan of these guys. I had kind of gotten over underworlds but these guys have me excited for season 4. They seem so well designed and it's interesting that they are fast and tough but lacking in damage. Vasili and slakeslash are good fighters but glisette having guard and 2 dodge and 2 damage actually makes her decent and will make the warband go a long way in being competitive.

  6. I don't think you can push a fighter with Hadzu that you can't drive back. His effect replaces the drive back. If that can't or doesn't happen, it can't be replaced by a push.

  7. I like the slaaneshi more than the purifiers, but I do have to admit that I'm way more hyped by the aelves than I would have expected. I think that overall it's pretty balanced, because myari's upgrade are stronger IMO than most of the dread pageant's. Both have very cool and thematic ploys, and element of the wind is bonkers (though, it might be dangerous against the pageants, because it might inspire them). I love the looks of Glissette, Slakeslash and Vassilac, the minis are incredible, I can't wait to paint them. I also love that glissette starts with guard and two dodge, it's very interesting, thematic once again, and a two wound fighter with a range 2 attack and such mobility is actually quite cool.

  8. A very thematic warband (and I'm into leather and pain so…). Inspiring is silly hard and your opponent knows it for sure. Poisoning your enemy and some ploys might help. God I miss shardgale.

  9. Excess of Indolency is solid imo. Ignoring the first score requirement. The second one is the same as Path to Victory, but without having to do all that annoying killing an enemy stuff.

  10. 7:35 oh, I'm pretty sure there will be at least a single ploy you can use to temporarily inspire your fighter, then do the Glissete, then have everyone inspired forever.
    (Provided 3 swords can actually hit several targets… And that your opponent will play horde… And arrange their units in a fashion that lets you actually hit several targets at the same time… But if you pull this off, your gamer license gets instantly upgraded to top tier. So I heard!)

    12:10 Oooh. Shardgale's banned in Relic yet?

    19:50 Also mindgames. This band has quite an array of mindgamey cards.

    23:00 Either helps inspire or keep Vasillac/Slakeslash alive. Good.

    24:46 Oh dear. The target doesn't have to be an inspired fighter, so if, for some reason, you need an enemy fighter inspired, that's the way to do it against their will. If there's a fighter that gets worse upon inspiring, or if you want to score an objective for killing an inspired fighter, this might be an interesting interaction.

    31:30 Just what were they thinking?! O_O Thank Sigmar in Azyr that this band is low health overall, though on Slakeslash this might be pretty insane.

    I'm super hyped for this warband. The studded leather aesthetics has something of a glam metal feel to it, which is, well, very cool. They are also versatile, have a risk-reward mechanic built in within their inspire condition, extremely mobile and potentially very annoying. All in all, can't wait for the official release. Power creep never looked so good.

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