The Libs Are Wrong About Everything | Michael Knowles LIVE at University of Wisconsin-Superior

The Libs Are Wrong About Everything | Michael Knowles LIVE at University of Wisconsin-Superior

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When leftists call us “fascist,” “transphobic,” “white supremacist,” or any of their outrageous labels, it is because deep down, they know they cannot defend their ideas. The loudest voice in the room is far from the voice of reason. Live at University of Wisconsin-Superior, Michael Knowles takes a wrecking ball to the fragile liberal fantasyland. #MichaelKnowles

Michael Knowles, described by Vanity Fair as “a dapper, lib-triggering troll,” is the host of The Michael Knowles Show on the Daily Wire. Knowles is the author of the #1 bestselling (and blank inside) Reasons To Vote For Democrats: A Comprehensive Guide. Knowles frequently appears on national news and commentary programs to provide insight into issues facing Americans…(read more at source)

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  1. Notice how Michael was aware he was in Wisconsin – Scumbag Joe Biden would not have known where he is or was and what day of the week he was there. I particularly love the Q&A. It's where Liberals prove Larry The Cableman correct – you can't fix stupid.

  2. 36:19 lmao she said her whole speech and thought she was so smart and in the end she debunked herself in her very first comment about female/male brains. 😂 In the end she had literally no come back 😂

  3. Well, both parties control the election process. In fact, it was because of Ross Perot that they no longer allow 3rd parties to debates. In fact, another reason 3rd party candidates are doomed in our country is the media…they do not allow their voices to be fully heard.

  4. He has some good points though I strongly disagree with the abortion topic. If the kid is from a rapist or will be severely disabled at birth there should be the option to abort. However if the kid is healthy and just "made by accident" you could argue that it is not right.

  5. If a dog woke up one day and wanted to identify as a falcon and tried jump off of a building in an attempt to fly, we'd call the dog crazy. If an adult Zebra decide it wanted to be a lion and went to join a pride, it'll be a snack. If an adult male decided he wanted to identify as an 12 year-old middle school girl, would that be ok? Would he be allowed to attend school as a student, play sports against, and use the bathroom with other young ladies? I'm telling you all this is the next step. When will this stop? You can identify with what you want to identify as, that doesn't mean everyone else has to accept it. I identify as a 40 year old billionaire, does that mean when I go to the bank, there will be millions of dollars accessible at my disposal? You know what, I want to be a shark, will I all of a sudden have the ability to breathe under water? You know what, I identify as the most attractive woman in the world, I would like a modeling contract tomorrow. People would call all of these things absurd, but dismiss the fact that no matter what you do, you cannot change the XX & XY chromosomes.

  6. As far as the incomprehensible push to sexualize children and surgically butcher them, this to me is the most important issue we have. We are responsible for protecting our children and we're failing miserably!

    But as evil as that is, the fact that some nutcase calling herself (most are women) a "teacher" can decide that someone else child is not only "trapped" in the "wrong gender" which is bloody insane, but that "teacher" can also decide that SOMEONE ELSES CHILD needs to be taken to another mental case calling themselves "doctors" who are surgically butchering CHILDREN and neither of these insane, evil "professionals" are legally responsible to ask or even inform the child's parents!!

    A B.C. judge threw a father of one of these child victims in JAIL for the crime of trying to save his own daughter from these insane sons of bitches!!

    Why isn't there millions of enraged people in the streets demanding the bastards who have legislated this crime against children and humanity be immediately removed from office/class/medical office and arrested and charged!!??

    Our governments in Canada and the U.S. have been taken over by monsters we did NOT elect who are NOT serving us, rather they are doing the will of corporatocracy globalist "elites" such as Klaus Schwab who are so comfortable about having entrenched all our law organisations, and governments and judiciary that he is openly bragging about how he has control over the monsters in high political office in both our nations and has bragged about what he has planned for ALL OF US!!

    "YOU WILL OWN NOTHING AND BE HAPPY" what he left out at the end of that statement is "OR ELSE"!

    If we don't get off our asses YESTERDAY, we are toast!
    Jack ~'()'~

  7. 27:33 As a "Christian" Michael should know the Original and correct definition of "Liberal" as it was first coined IN GOD'S WORD. Stop using the misdefined word "Liberal" to describe Leftism. It's stupid.

  8. Really enjoyed hearing the speech and open discussion with the audience especially those who have a conflicting view….

    Im not a catholic, nor do I agree with catholic doctrine. Yet I respect Michael for what he does. He truly has the patience of a Saint. Always keeping it calm and ver articulate. Also like the fact that he is very up front with his Spiritual beliefs.

    Im also a conservative from Texas. Of Mexican ethnicity… yea I have many catholics in my family. But we also have much diversity on Spiritual beliefs within my family…..and i agree we shouldn't be selfish… the end of the day in our final hour we will not be having flashbacks of the material wealth we aquired or ideologies we held dearly, but of the happiness we shared with our loved ones or sadly even the regret of not doing so.

    So we must love one another. Talk and walk straight. And learn! For the the purpose of life is to learn…to grow and to be refined as pure silver and gold. Each day is a new opportunity to correct yesterdays wrongs and to have eyes that truly see and ears that truly hear the reality we live in to be and instrument of our Heaven Father.

    Shalom Aleikhem much love and health. Stay blessed y'all.

  9. did she know about sodom and gomorrah? which god directly sends punishment? direct punishment from God, not from humans….

    maybe she need learn more….

  10. If you are not trying to persuade others of your religious views, or trying to shove them down people's throats, you are not in politics. Politics is practical religion.

  11. Because, if men and women are the same, there is no reality to transgenderism. How can you change from one gender to the other if there are not any? You cannot. They are all hypocrites.

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