Trump “Inspected” Underage Girls In Miss Teen USA Dressing Room

Trump “Inspected” Underage Girls In Miss Teen USA Dressing Room

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Donald Trump walked into the dressing room during the Miss Teen USA pageant. John Iadarola, host of ThinkTank, breaks it down. Tell us what you think in the comment section below.

“Yet another embarrassment for Donald Trump. This time it’s not his sexual assault comments, or him getting crushed in the polls, or him forgetting when the election is. No, this time there’s even more information about Trump creeping on beauty pageant contestants in their dressing room while they were naked.

If you’ve missed this Trump scandal while you were distracted by all the other Trump controversies, here’s some background: Earlier this week, CNN published audio of Trump bragging to Howard Stern about going backstage at the pageants he owned while the contestants (“these incredible looking women”) were “standing there with no clothes.” He boasted that “I sort of get away with things like that” because “I’m the owner of the pageant and therefore I’m inspecting it.”

The audio came months after former Miss New Hampshire Bridget Sullivan told BuzzFeed News last spring that Trump strolled through the dressing rooms to stare at the contestants. At the time, the Trump campaign dismissed the allegations as “totally false,” and now, of course, he’s on record bragging about the very actions he previously denied.

Now, more people are coming forward to expose just how creepy Trump’s behavior was. ”

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  1. This basically makes sense since the republicans in TN tried to pass a law where older men are allowed to marry underage girls. Yep the republicans, the party of pedophilia and fascist values.

  2. Interesting do you think maybe it's because they didn't want him as the president. Prove it! See considering all the anti trump speech speech and the fact that there had already been multiple wise made up about him I would find out if they're anti trump and if what they're even saying is true.

  3. People who actually believe CNN and base there arguments from this useless news station and think there proving something are out of there minds and are plain dumb.😂

  4. Aye Yai Yai my friends, I just went to a Fox interview with Trump and you should have seen the crazy comments. It was mind blowing how many Trumpies are so brainwashed by Fox. I have a headache after replying to all of these kooks but I shouldn't have even done it. There are so many out of space wild comments. Our country has been seriously damaged by Trump and I don't see anything coming back to normal anytime soon. It made me sick! It's scary.

  5. Why is it always anonymous sources . . and the women ive only seen a couple that said anything and i mean 2 . and its only brought up during an election . shit show . not good none the less . but you suck dude .

  6. At least Trump wasn't actually inappropriately "touching" them like Biden does to all little kids in the videos I've seen…and that in full view of others. I hate to think what he might do in private. I know the females on his security detail used to have to suffer watching creepy Uncle Joe swim naked when Dr. Jill wasn't home.

  7. Why does this show always refuse to play the actual recording? Any Trump supporter that sees this the first thing they're going to say is if there was an actual recording they would play it. These people are so interested in hearing themselves talk that they can't shut up long enough to play anything that proves what they're saying. I know the recording is real because I've heard it, so why not put it in here so that they have proof. Without the recording every single thing this idiot says in this video could be made up. Shut up for two damn seconds and play the proof.

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