Was this was the hardest episode to watch? ANTM (C2 E5) @Luxeria

Was this was the hardest episode to watch? ANTM (C2 E5) @Luxeria

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America’s Next Top Model cycle 2 and Mercedes’ Lupus, did production show her situation as ignorant? Honestly this episode was quite difficult to watch, the models undergo a personality test and coaching to get better at being interviewed and then are photographed in a water tank.
#AmericasNextTopModel #TyraBanks #topmodel

ANTM Cycle 2 Episode 5

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Luxeria is an Influencer/Digital content creator from London, UK – Her commentary videos cover topics such as Beauty, Plastic Surgery, Science and gaming. Contact: xxluxeria@gmail.com..(read more at source)

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  1. As a person living with lupus I can confirm that what Mercedes is feeling is what many of us feels still to this day – I don’t let a lot of people know I’m struggling and the ones I do tell still can’t understand it.
    Also I would absolutely not be able to deal with all the stress of this show – I would be sick after the first week.

  2. Luxeria! I adore you and your story! So insightful and fabulously funny! I get so excited when you release new content! You are the stunning woman on the go and I’m so here for it. ❤️

  3. Lux, you have changed the way I see some stuff. I am now more aware of the manipulations in the (audio/visual) television PROGRAMMING. In adverts, in 'reality' shows, and scripted shows. And, since my personality is what it is, I get a little smug when I catch it…"AHA! You tried it AGAIN, and I SAW IT! IN THE BIN!" It helps me put what I see and experience in perspective. Thanks for that, luv. I adore your content and zomg! you are healing so nicely! Just amazing!

    I have invisible disabilities as well (arthritis, fibromyalgia, chronic pain from injuries (27 physical things in my military medical paperwork), etc, and they not only affect the body, but your mental state. Before I was injured, I was very athletic and LOVED getting dirty. Now, I can't play any sports or even feel comfortable driving, as a rearend fender bender could kill me. So, it feels like a part of my identity has been put in stasis. I can't be who I feel I am. And I don't know if that is as debilitating as the physical stuff, but I cry for that part of myself, sometimes. Having to put part of yourself in cold storage hurts and can give you an identity crisis. So to have to go through not only the illness, but having to grieve for part of yourself WHILE going through ANTM (ANTSG)????? Stress.

    And sometimes, shadow work happens by talking about the grief. So thank you again, Luxeria.

  4. Because of so much scandal on the show I wonder to what extent the models are manipulated and given assignments based on how much they are liked by Tyra. Is she from the start picking the winner and giving them the best treatment and if she doesnt like someone just how much she tortures them on purpose. Does she do things just because she is in charge or on a whim or just to see if people will actually do something. Is she secretly or in cahoots with others treating them shitty and putting them in shitty situations just too see what she can get away with it and just too see how far she can make them go? I also wonder if there is any jealousy involved.

  5. This season is full of mess. I've not got Lupus but people have commented about that, people have also noted the clear reinforcement of the angry black woman stereotype they're forcing on Camille so I won't go there with those, but this storyline with April really bothers me being mixed. She's not ashamed of her ethnicity she is annoyed that people continue to tell her what her ethnicity is. Janice saying "she clearly looks Asian and she should be proud of it" is an example of when people decide mixed people's races for them based on what they have decided because of how the mixed person appears to them which usually ends up getting us put in a monoracial box which denies us of our multiple cultural heritages. Gross and weird stop it Janice babes xo

    Also exotic is not a compliment, it is a fetishisation of your difference when you are simply just trying to exist in your body, but if you do not use said exoticism to appeal to that colonial gaze, your exoticism will be used to justify you as Other in some way. Also gross and weird. No thanks.

  6. Looking back, ANTM was so cringe, uncomfortable and fascinating. Honesty, growing up watching it I still remember feeling those emotions but just accepting that that was just how the modeling world worked. So interesting to see how the culture has changed in, really, a short time in the grand scheme of things.
    I love your commentary, you are iconic and I need that top. Also, Novympia inserts are life.

    Edit- 42:31 🤣🤣☠️☠️ omfg.

  7. I honestly love how you censor with swan noises, it makes it so much better and always makes me laugh
    "America's next top loveliest 🦢" got me dead 🤣🤣💀

  8. THIS episode si so flippin' sickening to my stomach! Jeez, production did that dirty. I have lupus myself, it sucks, cannot imagine to be in that stressing, dehumanizing environment with my condition. The way they treated the situation was so ableist and the cherry on top is that they made Mercedes win money BECAUSE she didn't want anyone to know she was ill, sacrificing her wellbeing and her healt. This show is ablsolute garbage! OH MARY MAGDALEN!
    … Gosh, sorry I got so pissed 😂

  9. Girls especially please represent all of your heritages and dont get yourself stuck in just the one You have been told will make you more money ? We as women where born beautiful all of us 💜🙏😉

  10. Showing Mercedes' struggle is setting her up as inspiration porn. Spoiler alert, but she does very well in this competition. It's gross and exploitative. Disabled, sick and neurodiverse people don't exist to make people feel inspired and good inside.

  11. The way they’re portraying Mercedes is so gross to me. Some lupus meds can make you go blind, and the show is acting like she’s making a noble sacrifice by powering through the competition. As someone that was also diagnosed with a chronic condition relatively young, I really resonated with her convo with her mom about “chronic” meaning forever. It’s such a huge change and I would hate to start the coping process on national TV. I hope she’s doing well now!

  12. Don’t they…after they pick who’s gonna be on the show…already have picked who is going to win? I thought I had heard from a few different places that this was true. They’d pick who was going to win at the beginning, they don’t tell the models, so all of them go through these ridiculous tests and trials for nothing because they’ve already picked a winner. I mean it would explain some of the weird decisions they make🤷🏻‍♀️

    I must say though, regarding your foundation/makeup, you look absolutely gorgeous girl. The way you’ve done it for this video looks super cute and adorable and compliments you very well. You’re just absolutely beautiful and have an even more beautiful soul🖤

  13. It's so interesting that everyone was told slightly different info, depending on what "production". (Tyra and Mok, I guess) wanted. I may be overthinking this, but I have seen this pattern before, with narcissistic abuse.

    The abuser tells different people different things and tries to make sure nobody talks to each other. They tell the victim they can't talk to whoever, tell others the victim is nuts, don't listen to them.

    The abuser may tell other people a certain version of reality that isn't actually true, but the person the abuser tells thinks it is true. So that person becomes an unwitting co-conspiritor in the abuse. THEY are now also telling the victim something the victim knows is not true, and they come across as absolutely sincere, because they are.

    Where the house of cards really falls down for the abuser is when everybody starts connecting, and realises what has been done. I feel like this has happened with ANTM. The Oliver Twixt interviews, Jessica's channel, this channel. That's the sort of thing an abusive individual would never want to happen.

  14. Mercedes, 100% being traumatized.

    Its like they heard Mercedes say “I’m ok Lupus won’t get in the way.” And thought “ok lets see how long we can push her before she breaks.”

  15. I'm only a few minutes in & it's not really relevant to this so much ! but it triggered a not so long ago strange encounter with some guy from some child model agency ,come up to me when I was in a cafe I was with my son & no joke he said words of the effect oh your child is mixed race that's SO Now 😳😳I found the whole ordeal so strange ,anyway I took his card ,more so because I was just SO gobsmacked , nothing against " child models" or families that choose to take up that profession ,but it wasn't for Us!

  16. Every time i hear the magic word and I'm not watching Luxeria i hear the swan honking in my head anyway ahahaha

    edit: OMG as a bisexual i feel so fucking seen, thank youuuu
    I would be very curious to know if bi/multiracial people feel a similar way. I can't speak on that either

  17. I know everyone is ( rightly so ) very upset about Janis outing Mercedes, but! In that same speech she also outed Shandi! For having a “record”! Horrible !!

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