Young Pageant Contestants Get Spray Tans Before The Competition | Toddlers & Tiaras

Young Pageant Contestants Get Spray Tans Before The Competition | Toddlers & Tiaras

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In preparation for their upcoming pageant, toddler contestants Victoria and Morgan get spray tans – Victoria being the youngest person the technician has ever spray tanned!

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  1. I don't like the tanning aspect of this, because not only is my daughter very fair complected, but in some places she is translucent. So she will never be a "healthy" tan color because it doesn't turn out right. And there's no positivity in teaching that You have to have a tan to be more beautiful than someone else

  2. 6:11 did you anyone else notice how she said "I'm a little uncomfortable of her doing 'MY' make up" when it's the daughter whos getting the makeup done?? I feel so sorry for the kids, kids that age shouldn't have to be controlled that much, and have so much pressure on them selves to look "perfect".

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  4. Wait…did that mom seriously say, "we can't change her facial beauty, nothing we can do about it" when the other girl won over her daughter??!! Like her own daughter didn't have as much natural facial beauty as the other girl??!!😟

  5. Eastchester this video makes me fucking sick! The about of pressure that is put on these kids is disgusting. I didn't grow up in the pagent world, but once I was old enough to decide for myself I was thrust into modeling. I know if my parents could go back in time they would've changed the trajectory of my life. What's wrong with just allowing our kids to remain innocent for a long as possible…?

  6. This is wrong on so many levels and putting this much makeup on a child promotes unwanted attention by people with certain issues. No child this young should wear makeup. I am not totally against pageants for children but children should look like children.

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